Nyc gay pride 2016 date

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Robert Fehring, 74, threatened to “assault, shoot and bomb” LGBT-affiliated individuals, businesses, organizations and events, including the parade, according to prosecutors in new documents.įehring allegedly sent more than 60 letters that threatened violence, “including through the use of firearms and explosives,” dating back to at least 2013, said the Justice Department in the Eastern District of New York.

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‘You look Russian’: Ukrainian man stabbed in Brooklyn bar brawlĪustralian admits to pushing gay US mathematician off cliff in 1988 hate-crime murderĪ Long Island man threatened to turn New York City’s massive Pride parade into a bloodbath that would make the Pulse nightclub shooting, which killed 49 people, “look like a cakewalk,” the feds said Monday. Jerry Nadler is insulting his Asian-American constituents by supporting gerrymandering

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To protect & speak: Cop in Brooklyn’s Chinatown teaches himself Mandarin

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